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Informações Gerais

選手集合時間・審査方法 Competitors Check In & Meeting time, Judging Method Explanation

Sunday 22 September・Registration & Check In (9月22日(日)・選手登録の確認)

Contestant weight or height check is on Sunday 22 September 19 from 1800-2030 only). If you are unable to attend the KOTORI Hall on Sunday 22, you will be able to check in Monday 23 from 0915 to 0945. 




You will be expected to check in at the registration tables in front lobby and then proceed to assigned areas as instructed by GLOBAL CLASSIC official staff. For those who have not paid their entry fee, you will pay at the assigned cashier table BEFORE proceeding to the category tables.

KOTORIホール(昭島市民会館)会場正面ロビーのテーブルで出場登録(登録料支払い等)の受付を済ませてからグローバルクラシック スタッフの指示に従って各案内された場所に進んで頂きます。

A apresentação dos competidores é no  dia 22 de setembro (domingo), horário das 18:00 às 20:30.

Tambem pode se apresentar na segunda-feira (dia do evento), horário das 09:15 às 09:45.
Contacte-nos pelo email se houver um problema em cumprir este requisito.

◆ Sunday 22 September・Official Weigh In・Height Check (9月22日(日)体重・身長測定)

Weight/height check (as applicable) one at a time at your respective category station; your weight/height will be recorded on your information index card, signed off by a GLOBAL CLASSIC official and you will take completed card to assigned table to pick up your athlete’s badge and free gift.


体重・身長の確認(該当する場合)は各順番で測定を行います。 測定された体重や身長の情報は各選手の出場登録カードに記録されグローバルクラシック事務局により保管されます。各測定、必要事項が完了しましたら必ずご自身のステージ本番用番号バッジと出場記念品をお受取り下さい。

Você deverá fazer o check-in na mesa de registro e depois seguir para as áreas designadas para checagem de Peso/Altura, conforme as instruções da equipe da GLOBAL CLASSIC.

Na mesma será confirmado segundo sua categoria.

Monday 23 September (09:15 - 09:45)・Athletes Check In & Briefing (9月23日(月)・09:15~09:45、選手チェックイン・ブリーフィング)

After receiving your number from the athlete check in table in the lobby, you will report to the auditorium for contest briefing and instruction.  Any questions will be answered at this time.

Numbers will be pinned on the left side of your posing suit.




Depois de receber seu número de atleta no horário de check-in (09:15hs - 09:45hs), você se reportará ao auditório para instruções do Campeonato. Qualquer dúvida será respondida neste momento.Os números serão fixados no lado esquerdo da cintura.

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (イベントのスケジュール)



09:15  選手受付(~終了09:45) Contestants Check-in & Briefing (Checagem e Reunião com os Competidores)

09:15~10:00  Pro Tan®カラーリングの受付 Pro Tan tanning service

09:30  大会当日 入場券販売 Tickets on sale at sales window

■ 10:30  開場 Doors Open to Public  (Aberto ao público)

10:30  開会式 All Athletes on stage for opening remarks from Global Classic promoter Hugo Chan (Ceremonia apresentação)

11:00  プレジャッジ・スタート(予選) Prejudging Begins (Competição・Pre-judge)

11:00  メンズ ボディビルディング Men’s Bodybuilding 

12:00  クラシック フィジーク Classic Physique

12:30  ビキニ Bikini 

13:00  ウィメンズ フィギュア Women’s Figure

13:15  ウィメンズエステティックフィットネス Aesthetic Fitness Women

13:30  メンズ フィジーク  Men’s Physique 

14:30  メンズエステティックフィットネス Aesthetic Fitness Men

15:00  プレジャッジ終了Prejudging Ends (Fechamento do Pre-judge)

15:00  休憩 Breaktime (Intervalo)

16:00  決勝戦スタート Finals Begin

16:10  ゲストポージング Guest Poser (Apresentação do Guest Poser)

16:30  各カテゴリーのアワードプレゼンテーション (順位決定・表彰式)

              Awards presentations of each category

              (Premiação de cada Categoria)

              メンズボディビルディング  Bodybuilding 

              ■ クラシックフィジーク  Classic Physique

              ■ ウィメンズビキニ  Bikini

              ■ ウィメンズフィギュア  Figure

              ■ ウィメンズエステティックフィットネス  Aesthetic fitness women

              ■ メンズエステティックフィットネス   Aesthetic fitness men

              ■ メンズフィジーク  Men’s physique

20:30  終了End of Show (Finalização da Competição)

20:30  閉会宣言Event`s closing words (Palavras de encerramento do evento GLOBAL CLASSIC)


◆ 時間は予定時刻です。選手の人数によって、時間の変更や延長することがあります。

◆ The schedule shows the projected time. Schedule may be changed at any time depending on unforeseen circumstances such as numbers of participants.

◆ O Programa acima apresenta o tempo planejado. Dependendo do número de competidores, o tempo pode ser alterado ou estendido.

バックステージのアシスタント又はその他ご不明な点等ございましたら、 までお気軽にご連絡ください。

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