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                              現金書留 Registered Money Mail


 ※ 送金する際の切手代はお客様のご負担でお願いいたします。

 ※ 申し込み書に全ての項目をお書添えください。

If you choose to submit your application thru “Registered Money Mail”, please purchase the envelope named “Genkin Kakitome” at the Japanese Post Office and send it with the cash to the following address:



                              送金先住所 Remittance address:


郵便番号 Zip code 462-0803


住所 Address 愛知県名古屋市北区上飯田東町4-15-2  (4-15-2 KamiiIda Higashi-Machi, Kita-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi-Ken)


受取人 Receiver Name 一般社団法人CJBBF (CJBBF)


電話番号Phone number 052-917-2066


Please click on this link to download the application form

※ Please be aware of small stamp fee when sending money via Genkin Kakitome。
【Note】 It will takes 2 ~ 3 days to check the payment confirmation.
Application deadline: May 17, 2021 (Monday).
申込締切:  5月17日(月)まで
If you choose to pay by other payment methods (PayPal・Credit Card or Bank Transfer, ), you can select it clicking any of the buttons below.
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