CJBBF 東京大会の選手チェックインスケジュール

※ CHECK IN INFORMATION (選手チェックインスケジュール)
Any competitor that is not able to attend the 12 July-Friday Height or Weight Check In, from 1830-2130 at Kotori Hall will have the option to Height or Weight Check-In on Contest day, Saturday 13 July from 0915-1015 at Kotori Hall. Please go to the Athletes Entry Door located at the entrance to Kotori Hall auditorium. If you decide to Check-in on Saturday instead of Friday, you must contact us via email at info@cjbbf.jp so that we can update your check-in day.
Thank you and good luck!
Tickets sales & Athlete registration deadline is July 5, 2019!!!
出場選手申込み・観戦チケット販売の締切は7月5日(金)になります!! お早めに!!