Informações Gerais
■ 選手集合時間・審査方法 Competitors Check In & Meeting time, Judging Method Explanation
Verificação dos Atletas (Check In), Horário da Reunião, Explicação das Categorias e Método de Pontuação (Score)
◆ Saturday 22~Sunday 23 May・Registration & Check In (5月22日(土)~ 5月23日(日)・選手登録の確認)
Contestant weight or height check is on Saturday 22 of May, from 1830-2030 only. If you are unable to attend the KOTORI Hall on Saturday 22, you will be able to check in Sunday 23, from 0915 to 0945 only. Failure to do so during this time period can result in disqualification.
You will be expected to check in at the registration tables in front lobby and then proceed to assigned areas as instructed by CJBBF official staff. For those who have not paid their entry fee, you will pay at the assigned cashier table BEFORE proceeding to the category tables.
A apresentação dos competidores é no sábado, dia 22 de maio, horário das 18:30 às 20:30. Se você não puder comparecer ao KOTORI Hall no sábado dia 22, poderá fazer o check-in no domingo 23, das 09:15 às 09:45. Atrazo no horário para se apresentar pode resultar na desqualificação.
Contacte-nos pelo email info@cjbbf.com ou pelo telefone 090-3425-7551 se houver um problema em cumprir este requisito.
◆ Saturday 22~Sunday 23 May・Official Weigh In・Height Check (5月22日(土)~ 5月23日(日)体重・身長測定)
Weight/height check (as applicable) one at a time at your respective category station; your weight/height will be recorded on your information index card, signed off by a CJBBF official and you will take completed card to assigned table to pick up your athlete’s badge and free gift.
体重・身長の確認(該当する場合)は各順番で測定を行います。 測定された体重や身長の情報は各選手の出場登録カードに記録されCJBBF事務局により保管されます。各測定、必要事項が完了しましたら必ずご自身のステージ本番用番号バッジと出場記念品をお受取り下さい。
Você deverá fazer o check-in na mesa de registro e depois seguir para as áreas designadas para checagem de Peso/Altura, conforme as instruções da equipe da CJBBF.
Na mesma será confirmado segundo sua categoria.
◆ Saturday 22~Sunday 23 May・Music Turn In (5月22日(土)~ 5月23日(日)・使用する音楽について)
Classic Physique & Bodybuilding contestants are to turn in your CD, music ready, to the audio technician table AFTER officially checking in at your respective category station. Please be sure to give your correct song track number, full name, category in English or Romaji to the audio technician. Contestants can pick up their CD’s from the DJ after the show. Failure to do so will result in CD’s disposal.
Os competidores de Classic Physique & Bodybuilding devem entregar o CD pronto com a música escolhida na mesa de áudio APÓS o check-in oficial correspondente a sua categoria. Por favor, certifique-se de fornecer o número da faixa de música correta, nome completo, categoria em inglês ou Romaji ao técnico de áudio. Os participantes podem pegar seus CDs após o show.
◆ Sunday 23 May (09:15 - 09:45)・Athletes Check In & Briefing (5月23日(日)・09:15~09:45時、選手チェックイン・ブリーフィング)
After receiving your number from the athlete check in table in the lobby, you will report to the auditorium for contest briefing and instruction. Any questions will be answered at this time.
Numbers will be pinned on the left side of your posing suit.
Depois de receber seu número de atleta no horário de check-in (09:15hs - 09:45hs), você se reportará ao auditório para instruções do Campeonato. Qualquer dúvida será respondida neste momento.Os números serão fixados no lado esquerdo da cintura.
◆ About using tanning lotion and oils (カラーリング・オイルについて) Sobre o uso de loção bronzeadora e óleos
CJBBF rule: Body Oil applied to your body is prohibited. However, body coloring is permissible.
CJBBF 原則として身体にオイルを塗ることは禁止とする。 但し、ボディカラーリングを使用することは可能である。
Regra CJBBF: O óleo corporal é proibido, mas a coloração corporal (Coloring) é permissiva.
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (イベントのスケジュール)
■ 09:00 ジャッジズ・ミーティング Judges Meeting (Reunião dos juízes)
■ 09:15 選手受付(~終了09:45) Contestants Briefing (Reunião com os Competidores)
■ 10:00 開場 Doors Open to Public (Aberto ao público)
■ 10:30 開会式 プレジャッジ・スタート(予選) CJBBF Presentations Prejudging Begins (Ceremonia apresentação, Competição・Pre-judge)
■ 10:30 メンズ ノービス ボディビルディング Men’s Novice Bodybuilding (One category)
■ 10:45 メンズ マスターズ ボディビルディング Men’s Masters Bodybuilding (40歳以上 (Over 40 year old))
■ 11:00 メンズ オープン ボディビルディング Men’s Open Bodybuilding (Four categories)
ライト級 (Lightweight): 70kgまで (Up to 70kg)
ミドル級 (Middleweight): 70.1kg~80kg (Over 70kg up to 80 kg)
ライトヘビー級 (Light-Heavyweight): 80.1kg~90 kg (Over 176 ¼ up to 90 kg)
ヘビー級 (Heavyweight): 90kg以上 (Over 90 kg)
■ 12:00 クラシック フィジーク Classic Physique (One category)
■ 12:15 ウィメンズ フィギュア Women’s Figure (One category)
■ 12:30 ビキニ ノービス Bikini Novice (One category)
■ 12:45 ビキニ マスターズ Bikini Masters (40歳以上 (Over 40 year old))
■ 13:00 ビキニ オープン 身長別クラス Bikini Open (Two categories)
■ 13:30 ウェルネス ビキニ Wellness Bikini (One class)
■ 13:45 メンズ フィジーク ノービス Men’s Physique Novice (One category)
■ 14:00 メンズ フィジーク マスターズ Men’s Physique Masters (40歳以上 (Over 40 year old))
■ 14:15 メンズ フィジーク オープン 身長別クラス Men’s Physique Open (Two categories)
■ 14:45 プレジャッジ終了Prejudging Ends (Fechamento do Pre-judge)
■ 14:45 休憩 Breaktime (Intervalo)
■ 15:45 決勝戦スタート (国歌斉唱・来賓祝辞) Finals Begin – National Anthems & Welcoming Remarks
(Começo das finais. Hinos Nacionais e Observações de Boas Vindas)
■ 16:00 メンズ ノービス ボディビルディング (順位決定・表彰式)
Men’s Novice Bodybuilding (IPR/Awards – Top 3)
■ 16:10 メンズ マスターズ ボディビルディング (順位決定・表彰式)
Men’s Masters Bodybuilding (IPR/Awards – Top 3)
■ 16:20 メンズ オープン ボディービルディング決勝 (各クラスの順位決定・各クラスの表彰式)
Men’s Open Bodybuilding: Lightweight, Middleweight, LightHeavyweight, Heavyweight (IPR/Awards – Top 3)
(Final das quatro categorias de Men’s Open Bodybuilding e Premiação)
■ 17:00 メンズ ボディービルディング オーバーオールポーズダウン、比較、受賞者 「オーバーオール表彰式」
Men’s Bodybuilding Overall Comparison / Posedown /Award
(Premiação do Men’s Open Bodybuilding Overall Award)
■ 17:10 クラシック フィジーク決勝 (1つのカテゴリ) 順位決定 & 表彰式
Classic Physique: IPR/Awards – Top 3 (Classic Physique: uma categoria, Premiação)
■ 17:20 ウィメンズ フィギュア (順位決定・表彰式)
Women’s Figure (IPR/Awards – Top 3)
■ 17:30 ビキニ ノービス (順位決定・表彰式)
Bikini Novice (Awards – Top 3)
■ 17:40 ビキニ マスターズ (順位決定・表彰式)
Bikini Masters (Awards – Top 3)
■ 17:50 ビキニ オープン決勝(2つのカテゴリ) 順位決定 & 表彰式。
Bikini Open: two categories (Awards – Top 3 e Premiação)
(Premiação de cada Categoria de Bikini)
■ 18:10 ビキニ オーバーオール、比較、受賞者 「オーバーオール表彰式」
Bikini Overall Comparison /Award
(Premiação do Bikini Overall )
■ 18:20 ウェルネス ビキニ 決勝 順位決定 & 表彰式。
Wellness Bikini: IPR/Awards – Top 3
(Final da categoria Wellness Bikini e Premiação)
■ 18:30 メンズ フィジーク ノービス (順位決定・表彰式)
Men’s Physique Novice (Awards – Top 3)
■ 18:40 メンズ フィジーク マスターズ (順位決定・表彰式)
Men’s Physique Masters (Awards – Top 6)
■ 18:50 メンズ フィジーク オープン 決勝 (2つのカテゴリ) 順位決定 & 表彰式。オーバーオール & 表彰式
Men’s Physique Open : two categories & Awards – Top 3. Overall & Awards.
(Men’s Open Physique: duas categorias e Premiação)
■ 19:10 メンズ フィジーク オーバーオール、比較、受賞者 「オーバーオール表彰式」
Men’s Physique Overall Comparison /Award
(Premiação do Men’s Physique Overall )
■ 19:20 終了End of Show (Finalização da Competição)
■ 19:30 閉会宣言Event`s closing words (Palavras de encerramento do evento CJBBF)
◆ 時間は予定時刻です。選手の人数によって、時間の変更や延長することがあります。
◆ The schedule shows the projected time. Schedule may be changed at any time depending on unforeseen circumstances such as numbers of participants.
◆ O Programa acima apresenta o tempo planejado. Dependendo do número de competidores, o tempo pode ser alterado ou estendido.
◆ About using tanning lotion and oils
(カラーリング・オイルについて) Sobre o uso de loção bronzeadora e óleos
CJBBF rule: Body Oil applied to your body is prohibited. However, body coloring is permissible.
CJBBF 原則として身体にオイルを塗ることは禁止とする。 但し、ボディカラーリングを使用することは可能である。
Regra CJBBF: O óleo corporal é proibido, mas a coloração corporal (Coloring) é permissiva.
(For CJBBF Official Tanning Reservation)
◆ CJBBFバックステージパス Backstage Pass
出場選手のサポート希望の方、バックステージパスをご利用(バックステージパス+B席チケットご購入、合計¥6,500)される場合、必ずinfo@cjbbf.jp まで「サポーター名とアスリート名」お知らせください。当日、大会の受付でお支払い支払い完了後、バックステージパスとチケットをお渡しすることができます。
Case you want to purchase your backstage pass to support your competitor(s) [Back Stage Pass + B Seat Ticket, total of ¥6,500], send us [your complete name and ATHLETE NAME you will support] to info@cjbbf.jp. You can pay and pick up both (Back Stage Pass & Ticket) at the event day.
Also you can purchase it online!
Caso você deseje adquirir seu passe de backstage para dar suporte no seu atleta [Back Stage Pass + B Seat Ticket, total de ¥ 6.500], por gentileza envie-nos [seu nome completo e NOME DO ATLETA que você dará suporte] para info@cjbbf.jp. Você pode pagar e retirar ambos (Back Stage Pass e Ingresso) no dia do evento.
Tambem pode comprar online!!

2021 CJBBF USA-JAPANフレンドシップカップ・東京大会行事における
Transmission of COVID-19 cases in Japan continue to present a risk! Accordingly, in compliance with DoD Instruction (DoDI) 6200.03, “Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM) Within the DoD,” dated 28 March 2019, Air Force Instruction 10- 2519, Public Health Emergencies and Incidents of Public Health Concern, dated 10 December 2019, and Akishima City’s Kotori Hall public health policies, the following actions are to be executed for the CJBBF USA-JAPAN FRIENDSHIP CUP on Sunday, 23 May 2021 - applicable to all staff, athletes and spectators; no deviation from this memorandum of action will be allowed.
Personnel must be wearing a face mask at all times in the venue
at the entrance, contact information sheet with the names and the telephone numbers of the persons entering the venue with tickets purchased on site at outdoor ticket sales window; This is for tracking purpose only, if and only if a visitor is found to be infected after the event
All other spectators & athletes who have purchased online already have their contact information on hand to be utilized if required.
Tables with sanitizer will be available for all upon entry and at a multitude of locations throughout the venue
Staff will continuously disinfect areas of heavy use from touching
Social distancing will be enforced if there is a line for spectators or athletes (2 separate entry ways)
Social distancing will also be enacted in the venue seating arrangements with spectators sitting at the applicable distance required; 400 maximum seats available only out of 1,000
Staff will be wearing masks and gloves to take tickets from spectators
All personnel will have their temperature taken and must be 37.5 C or lower to be allowed access
If anyone is experiencing mild to moderate COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle aches, fatigue, headache, sore throat, stuffy nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or sudden loss of taste and smell), they will not be granted access.
Seats in venue are set up so that social distance guidelines are kept
Athletes will be kept to a maximum of 10 on stage with social distance guidelines in place (on stage staff will oversee).
Kotori Hall has installed ventilation equipment that complies with the Building Standards Act and all applicable laws and regulations, and we are operating it as appropriate in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Every hall and conference room has ventilation equipment that can provide the required ventilation even at full occupancy.
The system delivers fresh air everywhere throughout the facilities.
KOTORI ホールで身体的距離の確保ために、2つの入場ラインが強制されます「観客とアスリート」。入場時、他の参加者、主催者スタッフ等との距離(できるだけ1m以上)を確保すること。
KOTORI ホール(昭島市民会館)内では必ずマスクの着用をお願いいたします。KOTORI ホールでのマスクの配布はございませんので各自でご準備ください。なお、会場でマスク購入可能!
KOTORI ホール(昭島市民会館)への入場・退場時およびKOTORI ホール内での移動の際には、身体的距離(フィジカルディスタンス=2m、最低でも1m)の確保をお願いいたします。
KOTORI ホール(昭島市民会館)に設置している消毒液を活用いただき、小まめな手指消毒にご協力ください。
KOTORI ホール(昭島市民会館)内では全ての部屋の換気を定期的に行います。